Tuesday, March 27, 2012

She Rides!

We are so excited! Emily finally worked up the confidence to conquer the two-wheel bike. Cubby had taken her up to church after her birthday and she'd start to get the hang of it, and then she'd lose her nerve. He'd tried a couple of times this spring, but she just wasn't sold on the fact that she could actually do it.

Then, this past Saturday, her friend, Ella, was out riding her bike. We said, "let's just go over and try it out." Emily is not one to be easily swayed. However, we made it seem like no-big-deal and Ella talked her into having her mom, my friend Mandi, give her some tips. Worked like a charm. (For whatever reason, Emily responds soooo much better to people other than her parents! Hmmm....)

Now, she and Ella are out every day, riding up and down the street. (Neither can ride on the sidewalk--maybe too narrow or bumpy??) Anyhow, here are two videos we took, spliced together, of that first day riding. The first is of her on her old bike (which, since it's smaller she still prefers). The second is of her new bike that she'll grow into--soon, we hope! Soooo exciting for our big girl!

1 comment:

Lori said...

YAY!!! Such confidence freedom brings!! Go EMILY!!